This is Debate Nation. The internet’s only source of calm, honest, reasonable, unbiased, truthful, helpful, constructive debate. We are interested in solutions to problems to bring people together, not harmful, divisive rhetoric that tears us apart. We believe most people want what’s best for the country, there are just different, reasonable, views on how best to get there.
- Come On OverI’m here now. Can’t wait to see you and engage.
- Calm and HonestMature discussions or debates can and do occasionally devolve into a name-calling slug fest. Both parties trying their best to one-up their opponent. At this point, nobody wins.
- Everyone Has a Personal OpinionIt’s possible to understand an opinion with which you disagree. It’s a requirement if you’re trying to debate that opinion. Otherwise you’re tilting windmills.
- I’ll be here shortlyJust setting everything up. Stand by.